jueves, 8 de julio de 2010

ETEF. A material for the next future?

Is it the ETFE the future material?

Near Madrid, at Vallodolid, a beautiful town 200km from Madrid; There is a big project of a square near Pisuerga River.

This project could be other project if not would have 3 important aspects:

--Re-Use of an element constructed
--ETFE utilization

The main element, it is a DOME, that was constructed for the 2009 Zaragoza Exposition by Enric Ruiz Geli Arquitecta and Cloud 9 Studio.The city council won a concourse for the installation of this dome at a new square near the river.(http://www.plazadelaguaydelaluz.es/web/ppal.html#/4)
The integration with the near bridge with the use of eolic energy, water re-utilization etc., showed the citizens the possibilities of a enviromental arquitecture integration.The Bloomberg Businessweek (April 24, 2007) clasiffied the EFFE like a REVOLUTIONARY MATERIAL.What´s happened 2 year after? The EFTE is a plastic polymer with an excellent resistance to corrosion, high temperature, electrical transmission....with a high permeability to the radiation

The ETFE has excellent properties, it is recycable and it is consider like an eco-material.
It is neccesary more companies for developing and producing the ETFE materials.Companies for managing this product and for training people how to use it.To convert this material in a everyday material.

A lot of ETFE Projects around the world, show us that the future is now with this material
Are you ready?

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